The EU has designated Frankfurt as the seat of the new European Anti-Money Laundering Authority. This is what Thomas Richter says.
Retail investors in the UK and the Netherlands have not seen higher returns since the start of the commission ban and have also saved less in funds.
Press Release
The BVI comments on private old-age provision, financing of infrastructure, sustainability and the planned ban on commission.
In Germany, new business in funds and mandates amounted to EUR 63 billion. Open-ended retail funds recorded inflows after outflows in 2022.
The European sustainability reporting standards (ESRS) for companies apply to financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2024.
We advocate for the implementation of a classification system for sustainable products. You can read our statement on the SFDR review here.
By shortening the settlement period for securities, the EU would align itself with the USA. However, the implementation period must be reasonable.
The investment business will be ecxluded from the scope oft he CSDDD for the time being. This decision will be reviewed in a few years' time.
Over the past ten years, fund assets in Germany have grown by an average of 8.4 per cent per year, faster than other large markets in the EU.
BVI members managed EUR 1,780 billion for old-age provision purposes by mid-2023. Insurers shy away from competition, says Thomas Richter.
At the end of September, funds with sustainability features managed EUR 866 billion. Retail funds accounted for more than three quarters.
Fund companies had a total of EUR 3,977 billion AuM for investors in Germany at the end of September.
The average ongoing charges for equity retail funds in Europe have fallen by 21 percent from 2013 to 2022, according to an ICI study.
How do private investors in Germany buy retail funds? Markus Michel, Head of Research, explains the German distribution model.
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